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At St Maria Goretti Catholic Primary School we use the art national curriculum programme of study as the framework for our art curriculum. We aim for our pupils to enjoy and express themselves in art whilst developing the capacity for imaginative and original thought. The Early Years Framework is the foundation for all of these essential skills.




Our children are taught technical and creative skills in sketching, painting, collage, sculpture and digital media. Opportunities to work with a wide variety of appropriate media both in two and three-dimensional form are planned throughout the art curriculum. The children learn to evaluate their own work and that of others. Throughout the school, our pupils develop the ability to value the contribution made by artists, craftspeople and designers.




The structure of our art curriculum ensures that our children are able to develop their knowledge and understanding of the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from a range of times and cultures and can therefore apply this knowledge to their own work. The use of children’s sketchbooks in KS1 and KS2, means that children are able to review, modify and develop their initial ideas in order to achieve high quality outcomes. The children learn to understand and apply the key principles of art: line, tone, texture, shape, form, space, pattern, colour, contrast, composition, proportion and perspective. The opportunity for our children to refine and develop their techniques over time is supported by effective lesson sequencing and progression between year groups. This also supports our children in achieving age related expectations at the end of their cohort year.


At St Maria Goretti Catholic Primary School children are given opportunities to explore their ideas by experimenting, inventing and creating their own varied works of art using a range of materials. They will learn how to draw, paint, sculpt and explore other art, craft and design techniques.

Another important aspect of the art and design curriculum is learning about how art has shaped our history and how it reflects it.


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Children are given opportunities to be imaginative, explore different materials and develop their ideas mainly within the 'expressive art and design' area of learning. Children are encouraged to practise their handling, moving and control skills (for example, by painting or using clay). Materials are available for children to develop and explore their ideas and to be imaginative.


Key stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

The content of art and design teaching and learning is set out in the 2014 National Curriculum for primary schools in England. Pupils are given opportunities to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products through drawing, painting and sculpture. They explore different techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

Another important aspect of the art and design curriculum is learning about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.


Key stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)

The content of the art and design curriculum in Key Stage 2 builds on what children have learned in Key Stage 1. Children develop and improve their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture using a range of different materials. They are expected to create sketch books to record their learning and to use them to review and revisit ideas. They continue to learn about great artists, architects and designers in history.
