This morning, as continuation of Multicultural Art Week, Year 5 designed and created ancient Greek vases whilst listening to traditional Greek music.
Today during RE, Year 5 considered the Creation Story. We reflected on how the book of Genesis is not meant to be a scientific account of how the world began and that it is a beautiful poem which tells us the truth about the goodness and creative power of God. We discussed how St Francis cared greatly about God’s creation and God’s people before using music, dance, drama or freeze frames to present the Creation Story in groups.
This afternoon, Year 5 read God’s Story 3 page 10 Genesis 1: 26-31 Made to be like God. We considered how all people are made in the image and likeness of God and that means that each person has dignity and is to be treated with respect. We explored how the text tells us of our responsibility to take care of the earth and everything in it; that is to be good stewards. We then discussed the task of stewardship and thoughts of ways in which we could prevent damage to God’s creation whilst sitting in our beautiful outdoor area.
This afternoon, Year 5 selected and tested different materials to identify which would make the best bike brakes. Children had to revisit previous learning in our 'Forces' topic and consider which material would create the most friction to slow the bike.