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At St Maria Goretti's, we are fully committed towards safeguarding all of our children. We work hard to ensure our children feel safe,secure and valued.where they will be able to shine in God's love,pride and success. All adults in school are trained in our safeguarding procedures and are aware of what to do if they are concerned about a child. 



The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Mrs Amanda Rich (Headteacher); the Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Laura Milne (Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs Angela Barton (Family Support Worker) have the responsibility under the procedures established by the L.E.A. for co-ordinating action within our school and for liaison with other agencies.


The Governor responsible for Safeguarding is Mrs Christine Wilson


If you feel a child is at immediate risk or suffering harm, anyone can make a referral to Children's social care 0300 123 6720 




Who to speak to if you are concerned about a child at SMG..

Please click below to view the poster that is displayed throughout school

Behaviour Code for Working with Children

Operation Encompass is a unique Police and School intervention for safeguarding children. It supports children and young people who have been exposed to Domestic Abuse. Being part of Encompass means that our school will receive a notification before the start of the next school day if a young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous day. This enables adults to provide the best support for the child or family.



Encompass Letter to Parents

Guidance for Safer Working Practice 2022

If you are in crisis and need immediate support please contact:


  • The Samaritans- 08457 909090
  • Childline (up to 25 years) 0800 1111
  • Shout (24/7 crisis text line for young people) TEXT SHOUT - 85258
  • Lancashire Mental Health Crisis Helpline 0800 953 0110


