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Meet the Governors

Click on the link below to read about Mrs Christine Wilson's visit to Year 6.


Chair of Governor visit.

Year 6 and Vice Chair Governor Visit 2022/2023

Welcome to our Governors’ section



Being a Governor takes commitment and dedication.  We are thankful for our governors who support the school and ensure that we are making good progress.


If you need to contact any of the named Governors,  please contact the school office at who will forward the message on to the relevant governor.  


We currently have two foundation positions available and one parent.  If you would like to apply for a position, please get in touch with Mrs Rich or Chris Wilson via school.


Father God,

We thank you for the

opportunity to unite in our

work together as governors of

St Maria Goretti School.


We ask the Holy Spirit to

inspire us with vision,

creativity and fellowship.


May we be people of

genuine celebration,

bringing joy and harmony to

our teamwork.


We dedicate our work together

for all the children, parents and staff

and for your praise and glory.

 In Jesus’ name,


