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Willow Class Year 3

Welcome to Willow Class (Year 3)


Our class teachers are Mrs. Milne (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AM) and Mr. Birchall (Wednesday PM, Thursday, Friday).


Your child will also be supported by 2 brilliant Teaching Assistants: Mrs Patel and Mrs Singh.



Our class 2023-24

Our Current Learning


Summer 2 Half Term 2023-24




Class Dojo

Please also ensure that you connect with our Class Dojo keep up to date with what is going on in our amazing classroom!




Our advice... Read... read... read!


Your child cannot be reading too much! We advise that your child should read for 10 to 15 minutes each day.


We understand that this can be challenging,therefore, we recommend that this is 5 reads a week. Even dropping this down to 4 reads will be limiting their potential. Reading can be conducted in many forms and it is vital that we can discuss their reading levels in a professional manner. If your child is reluctant to read their reading book but loves reading newspapers then let this happen! Encourage them to read a variety of texts as we want them to love reading for pleasure. Please do not use reading as a punishment at home. If you would like any advice or guidance on making reading more fun or you feel that your child is struggling with their reading then please do come and see us!


Reading Plus


As a school we are a member of Reading Plus, this is an online reading platform  that improves fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, stamina, and motivation. The children are becoming confident in using this platform in school and we have also made it available for home use.
Reading Plus Login

Site Code: rpmgoretti1


Please ask us if you need your child's username and password resending.


Times Tables


As you will already know, learning times tables is challenging. This is why we concentrate on just their 2,5 and 10 times tables in Year 2 and then these again plus their 3, 4 and 8 times tables in year 3. Please try to focus their homework/ extra work around these tables.  Learning tables does not have to be time consuming. We will be sending times tables home each Monday and will have a weekly assessment each Friday to check understanding.


Times Tables Rockstars/Maths Shed

We will be signing all the children up to Times Tables Rockstars and Maths Shed (Ed Shed) but times tables can be practised in any way.

If you have children in KS2 (Year 4,5,6) then ask them to challenge their sibling. This is also great practice for them too!


TimesTables Rockstars

TT Rockstars SMG Login


Please ask us if you need your child's username and password resending.




Your child will be given spellings each week that they NEED to practice at home. These spellings are part of the National Curriculum. Your child will already have a range of methods to help them learn them easily. Spellings should be practised several times a week but this can be conducted in ANY WAY! See what works for your child, some learn better in small chunks, others need testing, some like to write them out... the possibilities are endless!



Spelling Shed(Ed Shed)

We will be signing all the children up to Spelling Shed (Ed Shed) for extra spelling games/tasks.


Please ask us if you need your child's username and password resending.




Physical Education will be timetabled in on a Wednesday and Thursday but please ensure that their PE kit is in school all week, just in case we spring into an extra active session! If your child does not have a kit then please see Mr Birchall or message via the Class Dojo.
