Please find below our SATs results. You can also see their teacher assessment results in writing and science.
Below is a table to show the comparative information about the attainment of pupils of the same age.
SATs 2023
Reading: +3.4
Writing: +1.0
Maths: +0.2
Subject | School | Greater Depth | National at standard | ||
Reading | 21/24 | 87.5% | 13/24 | 54.27% | 73% |
Writing | 19/24 | 79.2% | 5/24 | 20% | 71% |
Maths | 20/24 | 83.3% | 8/24 | 33.3% | 73% |
SPaG | 19/24 | 79% | 9/24 | 37% | 72% |
Science | 20/24 | 83.3% |
| 80% |
Combined | School | National | |
Children who met the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths | 18/24 | 75% | 59% |
SATs 2022
Progress Score:
Reading: +4.2
Writing: +1.6
Maths: +1.9
Subject | School | Greater Depth | National at standard | ||
Reading | 26/30 | 87% | 10/30 | 33% | 74% |
Writing | 24/30 | 80% |
| 69% |
Maths | 23/30 | 77% | 6/30 | 20% | 71% |
SPaG | 24/30 | 80% | 5/30 | 16% | 72% |
Science | 24/30 | 80% |
| 79% |
Combined | School | National | |
Children who met the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths | 20/30 | 67% | 59% |
Please note, during the Statutory Assessment Tests in 2022, that one child did not complete any of the tests and another failed to complete Maths. The above data includes the results all pupils (30) who were eligible for assessment at KS2, the results of any incomplete tests are recorded as not meeting the expected standard.
We are extremely proud of our children and pleased with these results as it shows that our school is above the national average in all subjects.