Home Page


2024 - 2025

December- in Science we made a model of the moon’s phases! We even got to eat the leftovers!

December- in Geography we compared maps from the 1600s to today!

December- after making our pretzels we decorated posters and a plate to sell in our DT Christmas workshops

November- in Art we made some beautiful advent art that is displayed in the bistro

November- In DT we learnt how to cook rice

November- Modelling the Earth, Sun and Moon’s orbit

November- making a Mezuzah model in our Judaism topic in RE

October- Visiting the book fair

October- Performing a free verse poem in English

October- We all received Music Maker from playing keyboard with Mrs Calman

September- Hockey in PE


Fairtrade Breakfast Bars

This afternoon, our DT groups took to the kitchen and created their own Fairtrade breakfast bars after researching, conducting a survey and ordering Fairtrade ingredients.

Finding substances that will dissolve...


Making our Maya Masks

Amazon Artists

Trade Links between the Maya societies

Reversable Changes

Composing our own music...

SMG Does Strictly....the rehearsals

Tangram Maths

Getting better with these instruments...

Amazon Animals

Learning about Islam

Perfecting our Place Value

Music - our first lesson

Life Cycles

Polination Activity - with Cheese Puffs
