Your child can never read too much! I advise reading with your child for 10 to 15 minutes each day. I understand this can be challenging, therefore I recommend 5 times each week. Even dropping to 4 reads can limit your child's potential.
Reading can be conducted in many forms and it is vital that we can discuss their reading levels in a professional manner. If your child is reluctant to read their reading book but loves reading newspapers then let this happen! Encourage them to read a variety of texts as we want them to love reading for pleasure. Please do not use reading as a punishment at home.
If you would like any advice or guidance on making reading more fun or you feel that your child is struggling with their reading then please do come and see me!
Year 4 is an important year for children and their times tables knowledge. Within the summer term, in June the children in year 4 sit a times tables assessment called the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).
Within this MTC, children will be asked 25 questions and have 6 seconds to answer each question, having a 3 second reset in between each question. As a result of the speed for each question it is extremely important your child is fluent and efficient in knowing their times tables up to 12x12.
To help prepare children for this assessment, we conduct a weekly times tables test each Wednesday focussing on a set of times tables. Leading up to the assessment we work on the children's speed, using practise assessments on a daily basis to help prepare the children. On the times tables page, there are links to different song, games and example MTC tests to help your children practise.
As a school, we also use Times Tables Rockstars to excellerate your child's learning for their times tables. If you need help to get your child logged onto Times Table Rockstars at home, or they have lost their login, please let me know and I can help.
Your child will be given spellings each week that they NEED to practice at home. Each week on a Friday, the children will have their spelling test. These spellings are part of the National Curriculum. Your child will already have a range of methods to help them learn easily. Spellings should be practised several times a week, but this can be conducted in any way. See what works for your child, some learn better in small chunks, others need testing, some like to write them out... the possibilities are endless!
Physical Education will be timetabled in on Tuesday, but please ensure that their PE kit is in school all week, just in case we spring into an extra active session!