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School opens at 8:30am with registers opening at 8:40am.  We end our school day at 3:10pm.  Total weekly hours are 32.5.




 Your child's daily attendance at school is very important.

 Did you know...

  • a child who is absent a day of school per week misses an equivalent of two years of their school life
  • 90% of young people with absence rates below 85% fail to achieve five or more good grades of GCSE and around one third achieve no GCSEs at all.
  • poor school attendance is also closely associated with crime a quarter of school age offenders have truanted repeatedly

 Poor attendance can also:

  • mean that children fall behind in work
  • affect their motivation
  • affect their enjoyment of learning                                           
  • lead to poor behaviour
  • affect their desire to attend school regularly
  • affect their confidence in school
  • mean they miss out on the social life of school and extra curricular opportunities and experiences
  • affect their ability to have or keep friendships.

Attendance and punctuality are a priority at St Maria Goretti and it is our aim to keep absences to a minimum as there is a strong link between attendance and academic progress. We aim to promote a culture across the school which identifies the importance of regular and punctual attendance.

It is parents’ duty to ensure that their child attends school and arrives on time.

For more information, please see our Attendance Policy available on the polices page of our website. 



Children may be feeling a bit under the weather but are still well enough to attend school. We always look after children's wellbeing and if there are any issues, we will contact parents/carers to discuss. 

The NHS have a useful guide about certain illnesses and when your child is well enough to come to school. 



Parents are asked to ring school by 9.15 am on the first day of an unexpected absence to provide the reason for absence.

if a reason is not provided, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.

All known absences, such as a medical appointments, should be notified in advance.


Leave of Absence

A ‘Leave of absence’ form needs to be completed if you wish your child to be absent from school during term time for any other reason. These need to be provided with advanced notice (at least two weeks where possible).


Persistent Absence 

A record of absences is kept and parents/carers will be notified of their child’s percentage attendance on written reports. 

Parents/carers will be notified if their child’s attendance (whether or not this is authorised) is at risk of falling below 90%. This is to provide early support to families to make improvements to ensure their child doesn’t become a persistent absentee. 




If a pupil arrives after the register has been called but before the register is closed, they will be marked as late.

If a pupil arrives in school after the register is closed without good reason it will be marked as an unauthorised absence.

All latecomers should enter school by the main entrance as the gates are locked at 8.50. 

Latecomers should be brought in to school by their parent/carer who should sign the child in and give a reason for lateness.

Should punctuality become an issue, parents/carers will be contacted by school to support them in making improvements in the best interests of the child. 

Where pupils have to leave school during a school day, e.g. to visit the doctor, school must be notified in advance. 

Any pupils leaving school during the school day should be accompanied by their parent/carer, or other responsible adult notified to the school, and be signed out by them. Pupils returning to school during the school day should be signed in again.

If the appointment is at the beginning of the school day or the beginning of the afternoon and continues after the register is closed the pupil will be marked absent for that session.



Family Holidays in Term Time

Parents are not entitled to leave of absence for their children for holidays in term time. At the headteacher’s discretion, leave during term time may be authorised only where there are exceptional circumstances, which should be notified to the school and agreed prior to booking. Leave of absence forms are available from the school office and must be completed and sent to school for consideration with at least two weeks notice. If there are no exceptional circumstances, the absence will not be authorised. As per the Attendance policy, ten sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence within one term or 14 sessions (7 days) over two terms, may lead to local authority penalty notices being issued.





It is your responsibility to make sure that the school is given an up-to-date emergency telephone number in case your child is taken ill at school. This is particularly important with mobile phones, which are changed frequently. School need to have name, address and phone numbers of all parents/guardians with parental responsibility for the child even if you do not live together.



Attendance Policy

Moments Matter, Attendance Counts.

Moments Matter, Attendance Counts.



The government has launched a new national campaign to remind parents and carers of the importance of school attendance. You will be seeing it on tv, social media and hearing about it on the radio.

 We regularly remind you of the importance of good punctuality and attendance and the negative impact poor attendance has on your child’s educational attainment and social and emotional development. 

The NHS and the Chief Medical Officer say it is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses, including general cold symptoms like a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat.

Please refer to the following link for further information

From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child. #AttendanceCounts so please ensure your child attends school regularly. Parents can also support their children’s education and the school by taking holidays and visiting family abroad during the holidays.  There are 175 days a year that pupils do not have to attend school and these should be used for these purposes.

Thank you for your continued support.





Penalty notice changes
