Provision for Closure- Covid-19
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your patience and support during this time. We are asking that if it is at all possible for your children to remain at home as government guidelines state that every child who can safely be cared for at home should be. We urge parents to consider their child’s first place of safety. We will however continue to provide care for vulnerable groups. This is only children with a social worker or an EHCP and those children with a parent who is designated as ‘critical to Covid-19 workers.’ Please could you ensure that school has these details asap so we know which children need this provision.
We are offering provision from Tuesday 24th March but it remains the case that if the school do not have enough staff to care for the children then a closure may be necessary. This will be under constant review. School is open on Monday for emergency cases only -the families have been notified so please don’t send your child if we are not expecting them!
Children who attend school must be in full uniform and be provided with a packed lunch.
The activities the children access will be the same as the home learning that has already been set as it is important that no child feels disadvantaged during this time.
Breakfast club will not be available. School will open from 8:45am-3pm. Please could all children use the main entrance for both drop off and collection.
For the children who are on free school meals, a message has been sent out this morning informing them to order a meal pack which will include a basic breakfast and lunch for 5 days. If you have ordered a pack then they will be ready to collect from school on Monday between 11 and 12.
Please see the school website with advice on social distancing and follow this guidance as I need to keep everyone as healthy as possible including the staff at SMG and their families. The same advice applies as before, that if your child develops a new cough or has a high temperature, they and other household members should stay at home for 14 days from when the symptoms start.
As always updates will be posted on the class dojo and on the website. Look after one another and remember God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sunshine without rain. But he did promise strength for the day and light for the way.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs A Rich