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Section 48 RE Inspection 2017 Report

Below are a few comments from our recent Section 48 RE Inspection. Please go to the OFSTED section to read the full report. 


Inspection confirms the school's judgement that the quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the school is outstanding. 


Pupils behaviour and attitudes to learning are excellent. Pupils enjoy coming to school and are proud to be part of this Catholic school.

Pupils confidently share their beliefs and understanding of their own and others' faith. For example, one pupil told inspectors, 'I am proud to be Catholic and come to a Catholic school. I feel closer to God.

As a result of the strong Catholic ethos where all pupils are nurtured, there is true respect for all members of the school community. Pupils believe that they are all happy in school because 'everyone loves each other.'

The appointment of a family support worker, whose work is rooted in Gospel values and prayer has proved invaluable in supporting vulnerable pupils of the school. The care and support shown for these children and their families is outstanding.

